Journal Details

  • Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems

    Publisher Publishing India Group
    E-ISSN 2320-4982
    Print ISSN 2277-1387
    Chief Editor Rameshwar Dubey
    Contact email
    Address Publishing India Group 56, 1st Floor, Deepali Enclave, Pitampura New Delhi-110034
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Under Review
    Journal Description

    Journal of Supply Chain Management System tends to develop, promote, coordinate and disseminate the original developments and practices of supply chain management systems. The journal is effectively positioned as a multi-disciplinary journal, focusing on a particular set of study objects rather than a specific discipline. Articles submitted should have a significant impact on SCM theory and practice. The Journal ensures that high quality research is collected and disseminated widely to both academics and practitioners, and provides a forum for debate. It covers all subjects relating to the SCM. We developed our original plan for the Journal of Supply Chain Management System with the following set of objectives: 1.To provide new and helpful information about SCM 2.To provide new theory or techniques in SCM 3.To provide researched generalizations about thought and practice in the field of SCM 4.To provide creative views and syntheses of dispersed concepts in the field of SCM 5.To provide papers in subject areas which have significant current impact on thought and practice in SCM and which present challenges for the future.

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Significant Impact on Supply Chain Management Theory and Practice

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

    Full Text